Iragankortasunaren dinamikaz zubereran: kasu adierazpen bikoitzekiko baliobiko aditzak Maisterren Jesü Kristen imitazionean [On the transitivity dynamic in the Zuberoa dialect: bivalent verbs with double casual in Maister’s Jesü Kristen imitazionea]

  • Jean-Baptiste Battittu Coyos IKER Euskarari eta Euskal Testuei buruzko Ikerketa Gunea [Spain]
Keywords: 1757, souletine dialect, bivalent verbs, double case marking, Jesü Kristen imitazionea


In this article certain bivalent verbs are examined in Martin Maister’s book written in Basque souletine dialect, Jesü Kristen imitazionea (1757), more precisely the bivalent verbs which have nowadays in Soule a double (sometimes triple) casual marking construction. It is observed that in this text the author uses mainly constructions with the verbal auxiliary izan «to be», more frequently than currently. The construction of these verbs by Maister is very close to that of Athanase Belapeyre (Catechima laburra…, 1696); Jusef Egiategi uses a little more the auxiliary *edün «to have» (Lehen liburia…, 1785). Certain fluctuations in the construction of verbs are raised in Martin Maister’s text. It is the case of ahatze «to forget» (izan (absolutive+dative) or *edün
(ergative+absolutive)), gozatü «to appreciate, to enjoy» (izan (absolutive+instrumental) or *edün  ergative+absolutive)), and üdüri «to resemble» (some constructions with izan or *edün ergative+absolutive)). At this beginning of 21st century, construction in *edün (ergative+absolutive) especially and that in *edün (ergative+dative) are more frequent, to the detriment of that in izan (absolutive+dative) or izan (absolutive+instrumental). To continue the started comparison here (see FLV, 2005, n° 100, 633-660), one examines the text of the pastoral which was given this year, in 2010, Xahakoa pastoral. The author of Barcus, Patrick Quéheille, uses construction in *edün (ergative+absolutive) when Martin Maister uses that in izan with the following verbs: behatü «to hear», iseatü «to try», jarraiki «to follow». With ahatze «to forget», Quéheille uses only construction in *edün (ergative+absolutive). In this direction, the comparison confírmes the highlighted tendency, certain bivalent verbs are more and more used in souletine dialect with the verbal
auxiliary *edün «to have». In the last centuries the auxiliary of these verbs was izan «to be».


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BELAPEYRE, Athanase, 1696 (1983), Catechima laburra eta Jesus-Christ goure ginco jaunaren eçagutcia, salvatu içateco, edizio kritikoa, Jean-Louis Davantek paratua, Bilbo, Euskaltzaindia.

COYOS, Jean-Baptiste, 2005, «Iragankortasunaren dinamikaz zubereran: kasu adierazpen bikoitzekiko baliobiko aditzen ikerketaren lehen etapa», Fontes Linguae Vasconum, 100, Iruñea, Navarra, Gobierno de Navarra, 633-660.

COYOS, Jean-Baptiste,, 2007, «Iragankortasunaren dinamikaz zubereran, bigarren etapa: barneko ekonomia, hizkuntza ukipena eta edo egileari buruzko ikusmolde berri?», Fontes Linguae Vasconum, 106, Iruñea, Nafarroa, Gobierno de Navarra, 401-417.

COYOS, Jean-Baptiste,, 2007, Xiberotarra Zuberera: le dialecte basque souletin, Donostia, Elkar.

EGIATEGI, Jusef, 1785 (1983), Lehen liburia edo filosofo huskaldunaren ekheia, Txomin Peillenek prestatua, Bilbo, Euskaltzaindia.

MAISTER, Martin, 1751 (2010), Jesü Kristen imitazionea, Jean-Louis Davantek paratua, Bilbo, Euskaltzaindia.

QUÉHEILLE, Patrick, 2010, Xahakoa pastorala, Barkoxe.

TARTAS, Jean de, 1666 (1975), Ontsa hiltzeko bidea, Andolin Eguzkitzaren edizioa, Arantzazu, Jakin.

How to Cite
Battittu Coyos, J.-B. (2010). Iragankortasunaren dinamikaz zubereran: kasu adierazpen bikoitzekiko baliobiko aditzak Maisterren Jesü Kristen imitazionean [On the transitivity dynamic in the Zuberoa dialect: bivalent verbs with double casual in Maister’s Jesü Kristen imitazionea]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (112), 87-104.