Mendebaldeko toponimia, euskararen mugaren adierazle [The western Basque toponymy as an indicator of the linguistic border of Euskara]

  • Mikel Gorrotxategi Euskaltzaindiaren Onomastika batzordeko idazkaria [Spain]
Keywords: Euskara, language border, west, toponymy


Our aim has been to locate the westernmost border of Euskara through the testimony of place names. The study area is bounded by the sea and the Meseta, Ayala and Encartaciones, more specifically. In view of the names collected, it seems that the line Castro, Balmaseda, Artzeniega, Sierra Salvada was a quite durable border.


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How to Cite
Gorrotxategi, M. (2012). Mendebaldeko toponimia, euskararen mugaren adierazle [The western Basque toponymy as an indicator of the linguistic border of Euskara]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (114), 129-134.