«Cer alcatte edo alcatte ondo» Un dato para la geografía histórica del euskera en la Llanada alavesa (Axpuru y Heredia) [‘Cer alcatte edo alcatte ondo’. Data for the historical geography of Basque in Alava’s Llanada (Axpuru and Heredia)]
We report here a lawsuit in which the town of Salvatierra-Agurain and the village of Axpuru, on one hand, and the brotherhood of Barrundia and village of Heredia, on the other, confronted each other. The document contains information about the dispute that took place in October 1740 between the neighbors of Heredia and those of Axpuru around the exploitation of Mount Armendia’s wood. From the statements of several witnesses we know that in the altercation some of the protagonists used the Basque language, specifically, a
neighbor of Heredia replied to another of Axpuru whith the expression cer alcatte edo alcatte ondo. In this paper, we contextualize and relate this information with other data already known on the historical geography of...
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