Birformulatzaile urruntzaileak: euskarazko diskurtso-markatzaileen hiztegia osatzeko atariko azterketa [Preliminary analysis for a dictionary of discours markers in Basque: dena dela, dena den, edonola ere reformulation markers]

  • Inés García-Azkoaga Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea [Spain]
Keywords: Discourse markers, reformulation, text, connectivity, Basque


Within a larger project that aims to contribute to the creation of a dictionary of discourse markers in Basque, this work analyzes the information given from different points of view about the elements dena dela, dena den, edonola ere and edozelan ere, and tries to show that they can be classified as reformulation discourse markers. The paper also tries to analyze the equivalence between these elements. On the other hand, using the information provided by the analyzed corpus, a preliminary characterization of these markers is performed and the data about frequency and distribution that they show in the corpus is provided.


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How to Cite
García-Azkoaga, I. (2013). Birformulatzaile urruntzaileak: euskarazko diskurtso-markatzaileen hiztegia osatzeko atariko azterketa [Preliminary analysis for a dictionary of discours markers in Basque: dena dela, dena den, edonola ere reformulation markers]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (116), 191-208.