Juan Arin Dorronsororen «Material Toponímico» argitaragabearen 25. paper-zorroa [The 25th folder of the Juan Arin Dorronsoro’s unpublished «Material toponímico»]

  • Luis Mari Zaldua Filologoa [Spain]
Keywords: Juan Arin Dorronsoro, Enirio-Aralar, onomastics, toponymy


The aim of this paper is to give out the contents of the 25th folder of the Juan Arin Dorronsoro’s unpublished «Toponymy Material(s)», in order to complete the information that said author gathered in a map about the toponymy of Enirio-Aralar.


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How to Cite
Zaldua, L. M. (2014). Juan Arin Dorronsororen «Material Toponímico» argitaragabearen 25. paper-zorroa [The 25th folder of the Juan Arin Dorronsoro’s unpublished «Material toponímico»]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (117), 169-185. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv117.5