Batallonaren ordena. Doneztebe, 1840 [Command from the battallion. Santesteban, 1840]

  • Juan José Zubiri Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa [Spain]
Keywords: old text, Santesteban, translation, dialectology, decree


This paper makes public a document written in Basque and found in the archive of the village of Goizueta. The tittle of the document indicates its topic (a command from a battallion of the Spanish government), its date (12th January 1840) and its location (Santesteban village, in the province of Navarre). The text is a literal translation, which is not very accurate in many parts, of a decree regulating lawsuits due to conspiration against the Constitution and the state´s security. Nearly all the text, except the beginning and the end, coincides with a 1821 decree published in the official journal Gazeta de Madrid, which is included as Annex 3. The analysis of the text comprises the identification of the phonetic, phonological, morphosintactic and lexical characteristics of the dialect used in the translation, and compares those characteristics to the dialect from the village of Santesteban.


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How to Cite
Zubiri , J. J. (2014). Batallonaren ordena. Doneztebe, 1840 [Command from the battallion. Santesteban, 1840]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (118), 279-320.