Urretabizkaiaren eta Sarrionandiaren itzulpen-habitusak [The translation habitus of Urretabizkaia and Sarrionandia]

  • Miren Ibarluzea Santisteban University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) [Spain]
Keywords: Basque literature, the field of literary translation, Urretabizkaia, Sarrionandia, habitus


P. Bourdieu defines habitus as a universal grammar, as a system of assimilated dispositions related to perceptions, thoughts, discourses, acts and practices. Urretabizkaia and Sarrionandia are part of The Field of Translated Basque Literature. Therefore, both of them have a specific habitus that should be understood linked to the socio-economical, political and cultural field in which The Field of Translated Basque Literature is located. In this paper, I will focus on Urretabizkaia’s and Sarrionandia’s translation-habitus: I will discuss their translation habits, their attitudes towards translation, their links to translation, their translation experiences, their contribution to Basque translation and the trace translation has printed on them. For that purpose, I will get back to a questionnaire they answered in 2013, and I will comment and compare their answers to the questions about their language acquisition, their involvement with translation, their experiences with translation, their thoughts about Basque translation and their use of translation or translators in their fictional works.


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How to Cite
Ibarluzea Santisteban, M. (2016). Urretabizkaiaren eta Sarrionandiaren itzulpen-habitusak [The translation habitus of Urretabizkaia and Sarrionandia]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (122), 393-407. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv122.4