Dardarkari anizkunaren aldakortasunaz [On the variation in the trill rhotics]

Keywords: Trill rothic, allophones, spontaneous text, variables


This investigation describes the way how 155 Basque-speaking youngsters from seven Basque Provinces, aged between 23 and 36, use the trilled rhotic allophones and its variants. The empirical basis for this study is a corpus of the transcribed spontaneous speechwith recordings of a text. The article is organized as follows. First, we have analyzed the phonetic characteristics to distinguish different allophones. secondly, we have used linguistic, geographic and social criteria. The results indicate that the youngsters from the Peninsular southern Basque country mainly use the trilled apical rhotic and those of the northern part tend to use the uvular rhotic. Finally, it’s necessary to indicate that the variables that influence on the use of these allophones can be different.


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How to Cite
Gaminde Terraza, I., Etxebarria Lejarreta, A., Eguskiza, N., Romero Andonegi, A., & Iglesias Chaves, A. (2017). Dardarkari anizkunaren aldakortasunaz [On the variation in the trill rhotics]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (123), 29-64. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv123.2