Mailegatze morfologikoa eta generoa euskaraz [Morphological borrowing and gender in Basque]

Keywords: Eastern Basque, morphological borrowing, grammatical gender, derivation, -sa suffix


Due to the long-term situation of intensive contact, Basque has borrowed a number of morphemes from Latin and Romance languages. Whilst certain varieties show an incipient inflectional distinction of gender as a result of the borrowing of lexical pairs ended in -o/-a, Eastern Basque has to a certain extent acquired a derivational gender distinction by means of the Romance-origin suffix -sa. Based on a corpus of historical Souletin, in this paper we analyse the occurrences of the morpheme -sa. Moreover, we will show that present-day Eastern Basque speakers continue to use -sa as a productive suffix, despite the fact that the Royal Academy of the Basque Language has advised against it.


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How to Cite
Padilla Moyano, M. (2019). Mailegatze morfologikoa eta generoa euskaraz [Morphological borrowing and gender in Basque]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (127), 229-248.