Galdera partikulak euskaraz [Question particles in Basque]

Keywords: syntax, question particles, microvariation, typology


This article proposes separate syntactic analyses for the question particles -a and al in Basque, which occur only in polarity questions. I argue that the former, used in eastern dialects, is the head of FiniteP and that the latter, used in the central dialect, occupies the head of Particle Phrase located between tp and cp. I provide the following evidence in support of this dual analysis: a) their behaviour with the other particles; b) their behaviour regarding the elipsis of tp; and, finally, c) their use in embedded clauses. A separate analysis for question particles is also found crosslinguistically; they are particles base-generated in the middle field and left periphery.


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How to Cite
Monforte, S. (2020). Galdera partikulak euskaraz [Question particles in Basque]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (130), 399-424.