e5: euskararen komunitatearen garapenerako marko interpretatibo berria [e5: a new interpretative framework for the development of the Basque community]

Keywords: e5 project, linguistic community, community capitals, appreciative inquiry, future scenarios


This article presents the project «Towards a Joint Construction of Future Scenarios of Basque». The project had two aims: to help shape the new phase of pro-Basque movement for the next decades, and to design a new interpretative framework to comprehend and develop the revitalization process of Basque. We will describe the theoretical and methodological basis of the new framework, which we have named the KOHiKoGa Model (acronym for the development of the linguistic community based on community capitals), and will explain how the project was carried out. Finally, we will suggest that this new framework is an appropriate tool for the revitalization of Basque at the micro level.


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How to Cite
Goirigolzarri Garaizar, J., Marko, I., & Manterola, I. (2021). e5: euskararen komunitatearen garapenerako marko interpretatibo berria [e5: a new interpretative framework for the development of the Basque community]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (132), 473-495. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv132.7