Los vocabularios bilingües manuscritos de Nicholao Landuchio (1562) [The handwritten bilingual vocabularies of Nicholao Landuchio (1562)]

  • Luis Pablo Núñez Investigador postdoctoral “Juan de La Cierva”, Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas [Spain]
Keywords: Nicholao Landuchio, Antonio de Nebrija (1442-1522), Bilingual Lexicography, Spanish-French, Spanish-Italian, Spanish-Basque vocabularies, pronunciation, Golden Age


This article studies for the first time the Nicholao Landuchio’s Spanish-French vocabulary (1562). Microstructure is analyzed and microstructure related to the other two bilingual Spanish-Italian and Spanish-Basque vocabularies that are part of the same manuscript. After analyzing the orthographic pecualiarities and considering the pocket size, we suggest the possibility that the Landuchio’s dictionary was a lexical book for personal support in oral communication.


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How to Cite
Pablo Núñez, L. (2009). Los vocabularios bilingües manuscritos de Nicholao Landuchio (1562) [The handwritten bilingual vocabularies of Nicholao Landuchio (1562)]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (110), 47-62. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv110.2