Euskarazko elkarkari iragangaitzak: lexikoak ala sintaktikoak? [Basque intransitive reciprocals: lexical or syntactic?]

Keywords: reciprocals, intransitive reciprocals, detransitivization, Lexicon-Syntax parameter


Canonical reciprocal constructions in Basque are formed with the reciprocal anaphor elkar. Nevertheless, there are also intransitive reciprocals in this language. These intransitive instances are built without the reciprocal anaphor. In this article, I examine Basque reciprocals without anaphor in detail. Based on Siloni’s (2012) Lexicon-Syntax parameter, I propose that not every Basque reciprocal without anaphor is formed in the same grammar component. With regard to this, I follow this author in her analysis of reciprocals in other languages. Thus, I conclude that many Basque reciprocals without anaphor are syntactic, although there are some lexical reciprocals too.


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How to Cite
Bilbao Hernandez, K. (2022). Euskarazko elkarkari iragangaitzak: lexikoak ala sintaktikoak? [Basque intransitive reciprocals: lexical or syntactic?]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (134), 337-373.