Urigoitiko hiztegitxoari buruz [On the glossary from Urigoiti]

Keywords: lexicography, dialectology, Biscayan, 19th century, dictionary


In this article I provide information on a handwritten glossary found in Orozko (Biscay). This dictionary has not been mentioned or described in any previous academic work. The booklet was found during renovation work at a farmhouse in Urigoiti. Even though it has no author’s name or date, after a preliminary examination I can date and locate it to the 19th century in the area of Orozko-Ayala. The purpose of this research is to describe its physical and lexicographical features, in the process of preparing a critical edition of the dictionary. I will also comment on the possible sources, both written and oral, used to form the dictionary, and the author’s profile and motivation.


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How to Cite
Gonzalez Casado, A. (2023). Urigoitiko hiztegitxoari buruz [On the glossary from Urigoiti]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (135), 101-124. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv135.5