Itxurazko egonkortasun linguistikoa eta hazkunde indexikala Bermeoko (lako) aldagaian [Apparent linguistic stability and indexical growth in Bermeo (lako)]
I here report on a rapid survey on the sociolinguistic variation in Bermeo (lako): garalako vs garalakon —I will label the former as (0) and the latter as (n)—. The data, 423 tokens, come from short interviews recorded in Bermeo in 2016-2017. Based on a mixed-effects model, I argue that i) there has been an indexical change in (n) from indexing affiliation in the fishing community in old speakers to indexing general Bermeoness in the following generations, and ii) Basque-normalisation efforts have caused the variable to stabilise because no significant age difference has been observed in speakers over 18, and because speakers with blue-collar occupations use (n) significantly more.
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