Dialektologiaren alderdi kronologikoaz [Chronological aspects of dialectology]

  • Iñaki Camino Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea [Spain]
Keywords: chronology, innovation, archaism, choice, dialectal community


Linguists were quick to notice the close relationship between the history of language and dialectology. This article centres on the attention which dialectology researchers have paid to the field of chronology, many of the examples used coming from Greek and Basque dialectology. The classic distinction between innovations, choices and archaisms with qualifications and a range of different details is presented. The difficulties encountered by the method when it comes to distinguishing between innovations and archaisms within the language is also shown; reference is also made to the different value placed in dialectology on the evidential power of innovations, choices and archaisms when it comes to determining dialectal communities. At the end of the article, there is a response to the criticisms of our work made over recent years by Koldo Zuazo in a book published in 2006 which aims to be didactic.


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How to Cite
Camino, I. (2008). Dialektologiaren alderdi kronologikoaz [Chronological aspects of dialectology]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (108), 209-247. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv108.1