Orreagako elizan aurkitutako On Javier Ibarraren prediku bat Artzibarko hizkeran idatzirikoa [A sermon by Canon Javier Ibarra found in the Church of Roncesvalles and written in the dialectal variety of the Valley of Arce]
This article unites a set of sermons found in the Collegiate of Roncesvalles / Orreaga, written by the Collegiate Canon Javier Ibarra (1876-1955). Like his parents, this erudite (author of a number of prize-winning monographs) was born in the Valley of Arce and, consequently, spoke the dialect used in the valley. The sermons, which are interspersed amongst others written in Spanish, are aimed at pilgrims to Orreaga. They reflect the features of the dialect, although they are also peppered with a number of more cultured forms, only to be expected of an author probably learned in the grammar of the period.
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