El euskera en Pueyo

  • Ricardo Urrizola Hualde [Spain]


This article briefly reviews the information published to date on the Basque spoken in Pueyo, a village belonging to the Valley of Orba and bordering the northernmost reaches of the town of Tafalla. Some new information is also provided, such as a phrase in Basque used in a heated argument between two neighbours. Commonly used by the local population in the XVI and XVII centuries, the Basque language saw how Castilian came to invade its territory to such an extent as to bring about its disappearance in little more than a century.


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How to Cite
Urrizola Hualde, R. (2007). El euskera en Pueyo. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (105), 105-118. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv105.4