Etxalarko usategiei buruzko gutunak [Letters on the Etxalar pigeon-hunting scaffolds]

  • Pello Apezetxea Zubiri [Spain]


The name of Etxalar is associated, within the Basque Country at least, with the characteristic method of hunting pigeons with nets. On the border between Navarre and Labourde, in the municipal districts of Etxalar and Sara, the nets are located in Etxalar, but the platforms on which the pigeon hunters work fall within the boundaries of Sara. This system, which operates between two different jurisdictions, two different groups of municipalities, can only work through frequent encounters and friendly relations. The meetings held at the location known as Nabarlatsa were used in order to reach the necessary agreements regarding the tasks, maintenance of the tools and shareout of pigeons. In the XIX century, another form of communication was by letter, delivered by trustworthy couriers. This document contains some of these letters; some written from Etxalar by Francisco Jabier Berrueta and Victoriano Arribillaga, and others sent from Sara by Ithurbide, Bernardo Dihursubehere and Echats.


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How to Cite
Apezetxea Zubiri, P. (2006). Etxalarko usategiei buruzko gutunak [Letters on the Etxalar pigeon-hunting scaffolds]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (103), 429-450.