Antzinako baztanera: XVIII. mendeko prediku argitaragabe bat

  • Gorka Lekaroz Mazizior Euskal Filologian lizentziatua [Spain]


The aim of this study is an Advent sermon written in Basque language in 1791. The identity of its author is not known, but it is sure that we are in front of the same hand who wrote some of the talks from the valley of Baztan which were collected by the Prince Bonaparte and which are kept in the Archives of Navarre. Apart from the more relevant aspects of this sermon, some of the most characteristic features of the Basque from the valley of Baztan of that time are mentioned by comparing this text with some others from the 18th and 19th centuries.


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How to Cite
Lekaroz Mazizior, G. (2006). Antzinako baztanera: XVIII. mendeko prediku argitaragabe bat. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (101), 69-94.