Bakaikuko euskal hitzak, esaerak etab.

  • Frantzisko Ondarra [Spain]


This article offers materials in the Basque language collected from the village of Bakaiku, Navarre, about 1970, with some data of 1951. Almost all of them were unpublished so far. We have tried to transcribe them carefully, taking accurately into account the pronunciation of the inquired people. The main part is composed by the lexical material, which includes many phonetical and morpho-syntactical data. We also present grammatical details, verbal forms, proverbs and popular stories. Our aim is to get a better knowledge of the Basque language spoken in the valley of Burunda.


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How to Cite
Ondarra, F. (2005). Bakaikuko euskal hitzak, esaerak etab. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (100), 481-523.