Nafarroa Behereko hiru eskutitz

  • Peio Kamino Kaminondo Luzaideko euskaltzalea [Spain]
  • Patxi Salaberri Zaratiegi Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa [Spain]


In this article we publish three letters written in Argentina in Low Navarrese dialect, first with the orthography that the author –Leon Erdozaintzi– uses, later with modern orthography and finally translated into Spanish. They date back to 1913, 1916 and 1918, that is to say, the first one was written some time before the First World War and the last ones during the conflict. It is necessary to emphasize that the first letter, which the author sends to his brother, is written in toka, a confidence term of address and the other two, directed to the father, in zuka, a respect and deference term of address


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How to Cite
Kamino Kaminondo, P., & Salaberri Zaratiegi, P. (2004). Nafarroa Behereko hiru eskutitz. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (95), 89-113.