-(e)ta enklitikoa sailkapen eskalarrean
The current article proposes a classification of the Basque unit known as “-(E)TA enklitikoa” as part of a continuous axis on which it would occupy an intermediate position between the conjunctions of coordination and subordination. In order to justify this hypothesis, the unit in question is analysed through its constituent features, both formal and semantic. Evidence such as its phonic behaviour and distribution go to show that it is not an element of coordination, despite its similarity in terms of spelling with the coordinative conjunction ETA. Other evidence of form, however, do not permit a classification of the enclitic -(E)TA among the elements of subordination, although its meaning may express causal subordination, albeit peripherally. For these reasons, it is proposed that we are dealing with a [-coordinative], [-subordinative] element and a classification of scale is defended, something becoming more and more common in modern, theoretical linguistics. Its mobility is highlighted as, unlike subordinative elements, it can attach itself to any part of the verbal cluster in the clause. Also stressed is its peripheral nature in the indication of cause: the phrase that it introduces remains relatively independent from the main clause, bringing the idea of separability to mind.
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