Bakaikuko leku-izenak
As previously done in the case of Etxarri-Aranatz, in addition to collecting in this article the toponyms in use in Bakaiku, we also give an account of the documentation referring to the subject of place names in the area, explaining, in most cases, origin and/or meaning. Different works and studies carried out to date (F. Ondarra, R. Karasatorre, Tracasa) have been used, the main aim being, insofar as the quantity and transcription of the toponyms are concerned, that of keeping as close as possible to those forms currently in use. In this way, the present work collects Bakaiku place names as used in the year 2002 in detail and order.
BELASKO, Mikel: Diccionario etimológico de los nombres de los montes y ríos de Navarra, 2000.
ERDOZIA, Jose Luis: "Etxarri-Aranazko leku-izenak", FLV, 2001, 88.
GORROTXATEGI, Mikel: "EUDEL-ekiko hitzarmena dela eta euskaltzaindiaren toponimia lantaldearen plangintza", Euskera, XLIV, 1999-2, 911-919.
KARASATORRE, Rafael: Barranca-Burunda, 1993. BB iruzkinetako aipamenetan.
LIZUNDIA, J. L.: "Toponimoen ofizialtasunaz eta administrazio arteko aplikazio arazoez (I)", Euskera, XLIV, 1999-2, 907-910.
NAFARROAKO GOBERNUA: Nafarroako Toponimia eta Mapagintza, 1991.
NAFARROAKO GOBERNUA: Nafarroako Toponimia eta Mapagintza X, 1992.
ONDARRA, Francisco: "Voces vascas de Bacaicoa", RSVAP, año XXI, cuadernos 3º y 4º, 1965.
SALABERRI, Patxi: "Criterios para la normalización de la toponimia mayor de Navarra", FLV, 79, 1998, 653-666.
SALABERRI, Patxi, "Toponimia nagusia normalizatzeko irizpideak mintzagai", Euskera, XLIV, 1999-2, 921-930.
Copyright (c) 2002 Jose Luis Erdozia Mauleon
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.