Ultzamako beste euskal testu bat (1796)

  • Joxemiel Bidador Euskal Filologoa [Spain]


This article collects the conditions set out to the stonesmith and carpenter who built the school in Eltzaburu (Navarre) in 1796. These conditions were found with the relevant deeds in the Navarran Protocols Archive. The fact that these conditions were drafted in Basque would lead one to believe a large part of late XVIII-century Navarre to be monolingual. The writings are also considered to be of special interest due to their lay nature and because they represent an example of one of the few written testimonies of Basque from the valley of Ulzama.


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BIDADOR, Joxemiel, "Ultzamako euskal idazleen berri laburra", Nafarkaria, 1999-VI-18.

CAMPIÓN, Arturo, Orreaga: balada escrita en el dialecto guipuzcoano..., Iruñea, 1880.

IBARRA MURILLO, Orreaga, Ultzamako hizkera: inguruko euskalkiekiko harremanak, Iruñea, 1995.

PAGOLA, Rosa Miren (zuz.), Bonaparte ondareko eskuizkribuak: Iparraldeko goi-nafarrera, Bilbo, Deiker, 1995.

SATRUSTEGI, José María, Euskal testu zaharrak, Iruñea, Euskaltzaindia, 1987.

How to Cite
Bidador, J. (2001). Ultzamako beste euskal testu bat (1796). Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (88), 521-527. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv88.10