Juan Bautista Agirre, euskal idazlearen liburutegia, 1742-1823

  • Pello Joxe Aranburu Idazbe-ikertzailea. [Spain]


According to Juan Bautista Agirre Elola’s last holograph will, dated in 1819, the Franciscans of Zarauz inherited from this basque writer his private library through his nephew Juan Ignacio Larrondobuno. I have followed the track of those books from 1823, when the writer left Asteasu, passing through Motrico, where his nephew made use of them, until 1868, when they ended up at the Franciscans’ library in Zarauz. The present article comprises the inventory, the classification and some reviews of these books, and concludes with some provisional comments on the donations made by Juan Bautista Agirre Elola.


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How to Cite
Aranburu, P. J. (1996). Juan Bautista Agirre, euskal idazlearen liburutegia, 1742-1823. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (73), 493-505. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv73.9