Bizkaiko ahozko euskararen esaldi ereduez (I)

  • Iñaki Gaminde UPV. EHUko irakasle [Spain]


The first pare of the linguistic materials gathered from forty villages of Biscayan dialect is presented in this paper under the title "Bizkaiko euskararen esaldi ereduez (I)". The phrases in this first part show the various uses of the non-conjugated verbal participles classified, as far as possible, according to the standard conventions of the Basque grammar.

Ali the materials included have been gathered between 1985-1991, and we think that they represent in an adequate way the different varieties of the Biscayan dialect with regard to this aspect of linguistic usage.  


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How to Cite
Gaminde, I. (1995). Bizkaiko ahozko euskararen esaldi ereduez (I). Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (70), 431-465.