Quelques notes et remarques rapides sur les théâtres populaires bretons et basques

  • Gwenaël Le Duc Université de Haute-Breragne, Rennes 2. [United Kingdom]


The aurhor studies sorne concurrent aspects of the Basque pastorals from Zuberoa and drama in Brittany. The lack of documents does not mean the absence of a apopular theatre before the XVIIIth century. The Breton and Basque theatres are popular; the authors, actors, and public are peasants, craftsmen, and littie burghers.

The stage and acting are similar: remains of medieval scenography, procession of characters, prologue, psalmodic verses, arrangement of opponents (the good go up the right stairs, the bad take the lefr, and the "heavenly" are placed in the middle), trhere are allusions to the Moors and Christians, among other coincidences.


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How to Cite
Le Duc, G. (1995). Quelques notes et remarques rapides sur les théâtres populaires bretons et basques . Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (70), 515-523. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv70.7