Izabako lekuizenak

  • Juan Carlos López-Mugartza Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa [Spain]


This article takes up all the place-names contained in the first volume of the Ancestry's Book of the village of Isaba, in the Roncal Valley in Navarre. The collection of names with Basque origin are detailed. Every place-name is enclosed with a note which announces the number of leaf or leaves of the Ancestry's Book where it is placed. Sometimes some references are provided from the Protocol Files of Navarra, corresponding mainly to the files 4 (1590-1593) and 7 (1563-1569) of the notary in the valley where the letters, sentences and acts, made by the royal notaries and clerks Mr. Miguel Punt and Mr. Hernando George are collected. Although, sometimes some proposable study lines and toponimical comments are noted clown, the aim of this work is to adduce some basic materials and docummental elements, necessary to prepare the following doctoral thesis which makes easier a more detailed examination of them all.


How to Cite
López-Mugartza , J. C. (1993). Izabako lekuizenak. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (63), 273-324. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv63.7