Lizarragako euskararen azterketa
Lizarraga, Dorrao and Unanu are the villages that form the Navarraise valley of Ergoiena. These are united by a same language, Basque, but, every village has its particular form speaking.
In this work, we do a phonetic and phonological study of the basque spoken in Lizarraga.
Euskal dialektologiaren hastapenak. U.E.U. Iruñea, 1983.
MOUTARD, N.: "Etude phonologique sur les dialectes basques". Fontes Linguae Vasconum; 19 (5-20), 22 (9-24).
UHLENBECK, C.C.: "Contribution a une phonologie comparée des dialectes basques". R.I.E.V.-III (1909), 465-503; IV (1910), 65-118.
Copyright (c) 1993 Gregoria Solís Senar

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