Zurbano, agente del reino en Madrid: su correspondencia entre 1833 y 184 [Zurbano, the Kingdom agent in Madrid: his correspondence between 1833 and 1840]

  • Mercedes Galán Lorda Universidad de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: agent; Court; Council; correspondence; Navarra’s regime.


José Antonio Zurbano was the agent of the Kingdom of Navarra in the Court since 1831. We analyse his correspondence, preserved at the Royal and General Archive of Navarra, in the years prior to the promulgation of the Agreed Law, in particular from 1833 to 1840. It reflects the ignorance of Navarra’s regime in Madrid and the difficulty of its survival with the new liberal regime. The efforts of Navarra’s Council and its agents to defend the existence of the Comptos Chamber, or a new call of the Parliament of Navarra in 1834, were unsuccessful. Despite reiterating Navarra’s loyalty to the Monarchy, they did not reach but the survival of what since 1841 would be denominated the «foral regime».


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How to Cite
Galán Lorda, M. (2019). Zurbano, agente del reino en Madrid: su correspondencia entre 1833 y 184 [Zurbano, the Kingdom agent in Madrid: his correspondence between 1833 and 1840]. Príncipe De Viana, (273), 383-399. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/1020