Los Góngora y su tupida red clientelar. En la frontera, y sin la frontera (1490-1531) [The Góngora and his bushy clientele network. At the border, and without border (1490-1531)]

  • Iñaki Garrido Yerobi Historiador, correspondiente de la RAH - Académico de n.º de la RAMHG - DEA en Historia Medieval (upna) [Spain]
Keywords: Góngora; Ciordia; frontier; Charles de Góngora; heritage; genealogy.


This paper constitutes a new contribution to the study of the behavior of the Navarre middle nobility and the role played in the new frontiers of the kingdom from 1512, focusing on the figure of Charles de Góngora (ca. 1479/1481-1531), Lord of the palaces of Góngora and Ciordia, through his role as head of lineage and his services to the Crown.


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How to Cite
Garrido Yerobi, I. (2019). Los Góngora y su tupida red clientelar. En la frontera, y sin la frontera (1490-1531) [The Góngora and his bushy clientele network. At the border, and without border (1490-1531)]. Príncipe De Viana, (273), 279-296. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/1025