El Depósito Legal, garante de la conservación [The Legal Deposit, guarantor of conservation]

  • María Luisa Garcés Álvarez Técnica de Grado Medio Bibliotecario, Oficina de Depósito Legal Biblioteca de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: legal deposit, conservation;, preservation;, web archiving, bibliographic and digital heritage of Navarra.


The article is an outline of the history of the legal deposit in Navarra from 1958 to the present, the legislation and the operation and management of the Office of Legal Deposit of Navarra are analyzed. The project Archive Navarro of the Web is described in detail and finally some brushstrokes of the future projects are offered.



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How to Cite
Garcés Álvarez, M. L. (2020). El Depósito Legal, garante de la conservación [The Legal Deposit, guarantor of conservation]. Príncipe De Viana, (275), 1109-1127. https://doi.org/10.35462/pv.275.3