La biblioteca taurina de José Luis Ibarra y su donación a Navarra [The bullfighting library of José Luis Ibarra and its donation to Navarre]

  • Juan Francisco Elizari Huarte [Spain]
  • Fernando Cirauqui Ainzúa [Spain]
Keywords: José Luis Ibarra López de Calle, Graciano Díaz Arquer, bullfighting library, Biblioteca de Navarra


The article contributes to enlighten the settlement in Pamplona of José Luis Ibarra López de Calle, a member of a well-known Basque business family, the acquisition in 1930 of his bullfighting library through Graciano Díaz Arquer and Pedro Vindel Angulo, and the donation of the library to Navarre in 1947, being finally kept at Biblioteca de Navarra.



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How to Cite
Elizari Huarte, J. F., & Cirauqui Ainzúa, F. (2020). La biblioteca taurina de José Luis Ibarra y su donación a Navarra [The bullfighting library of José Luis Ibarra and its donation to Navarre]. Príncipe De Viana, (275), 1129-1152.