Política social y autogobierno en el núcleo de la conspiración carlista antirrepublicana [Social policy and self-government at the core of the Carlist anti-republican conspiracy]

  • Manuel Martorell Pérez Periodista y doctor en Historia [Spain]
Keywords: Carlism, Requeté, AET, II Republic, Civil War


The present work seeks to improve the knowledge about the way of thinking of those
who promoted the organization of Requeté in Navarra, the armed force with which
Carlism participated in the Civil War of 1936. For this, a detailed reading of the weekly
a.e.t. is carried out, which, during the first semester of 1934, was its organ of political
expression. After its reading, it can be concluded that, among its motivations, there
were, mainly, the defense of religion but also the social policy of the Church to solve the
serious social crisis of Spain and to face a revolutionary threat, in addition to demanding
the «Full foral reintegration» for the different Spanish regions.


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How to Cite
Martorell Pérez, M. (2020). Política social y autogobierno en el núcleo de la conspiración carlista antirrepublicana [Social policy and self-government at the core of the Carlist anti-republican conspiracy]. Príncipe De Viana, (276), 133-163. https://doi.org/10.35462/pv.276.5