La represión del protestantismo en el tribunal inquisitorial de Calahorra-Logroño (1550-1610) [The repression of the Protestantism in the inquisitorial tribunal of Calahorra-Logroño (1550-1610)]

  • Marcos Gómez García Universidad de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: Inquisition, Protestantism, heresy, France, Henry of Navarre


The religious reform emerged after 1517 was not alien to any European state. Its echoes also reached the Hispanic Monarchy, which tried to eradicate it from its borders with the inquisitorial action. The purpose of the work is to see (through the inquisitorial records found in the National Historical Archive) how this institution retaliated in the tribunal of Calahorra-Logroño between 1550 and 1610, whose jurisdiction shared a natural frontier with the France of the Wars of religion. It was the situation in that country that marked the course of the repression of heresy in these places, especially from the rise of Henry of Navarre to the throne of France.


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How to Cite
Gómez García, M. (2020). La represión del protestantismo en el tribunal inquisitorial de Calahorra-Logroño (1550-1610) [The repression of the Protestantism in the inquisitorial tribunal of Calahorra-Logroño (1550-1610)]. Príncipe De Viana, (276), 47-77.