Un debate sobre la Ley de 1841: Navascués, la Diputación, “El Mosquerino” y Ezquerra [A debate on the Law of 1841: Navascués, the Provincial Council, «El Mosquerino» and Ezquerra]

  • Juan Cruz Alli Aranguren Doctor en Derecho e Historia [Spain]
Keywords: 1841, Navascués, Mosquerino, Ezquerra


The deputy for the district of Tudela Navascués presented an amendment to the budget
law of 1860 to consign a game that would allow the creation of a Development Section
in Navarra. It raised a controversy about the scope and nature of the Law of August
16, 1841 and the powers of the Diputación, which criticized the initiative. The deputy
replied, said «El Mosquerino» supporting the provincial corporation, and both jurist
Ezquerra. The nature of ordinary and reformable law or pacified was discussed, and
whether the powers of promotion were those of the Government or of the Provincial


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How to Cite
Alli Aranguren, J. C. (2020). Un debate sobre la Ley de 1841: Navascués, la Diputación, “El Mosquerino” y Ezquerra [A debate on the Law of 1841: Navascués, the Provincial Council, «El Mosquerino» and Ezquerra]. Príncipe De Viana, (276), 201-228. https://doi.org/10.35462/pv.276.7