El provincial Ignacio Lizasoáin, misionero y guía de los jesuitas mexicanos expulsos [The provincial Ignacio Lizasoáin, missionary and guide for the expelled Mexican Jesuits]

  • Antonio Astorgano Abajo Real Academia de Extremadura [Spain]
Keywords: Expelled Jesuits, Mexico, Lizasoáin, missions, Sonora


Ignacio Lizasoáin, the Pamplona-born expelled Jesuit, was a missionary and the last provincial of Mexico, before the suppression of the Company in 1773. Lizasoáin promoted the most important literature of the Jesuits of the province of Mexico, produced in Italy in exile. He was successful in keeping together outstanding writers such as Clavijero or Landívar and other Mexican authors. Lizasoáin was their guide in the desert of Italian exile, based on his personal empathy and on moderation in his leadership.


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How to Cite
Astorgano Abajo, A. (2020). El provincial Ignacio Lizasoáin, misionero y guía de los jesuitas mexicanos expulsos [The provincial Ignacio Lizasoáin, missionary and guide for the expelled Mexican Jesuits]. Príncipe De Viana, (277), 501-566. https://doi.org/10.35462/pv.277.5