Le changement de règne de 1387 en Navarre au prisme des relations entre Charles II et son héritier

  • Philippe Charon Directeur des Archives départementaes de Loire Atlantique, docteur (HDR) en Histoire Médiévale [France]
Keywords: Navarre, 14th century, change of reign


The reign of Charles III of Navarre was opposed to that of his father, but no attempt was made to determine whether this came from a disagreement between them or from a rivalry between their entourage. The study of their relationships shows a closeness, with confidence for the first and respect for the second. That of their entourage reveals the implementation of their policy by the same men, and the maintenance of the servants of
the hotel testifies to a fidelity of the son to the memory of his father.


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How to Cite
Charon, P. (2021). Le changement de règne de 1387 en Navarre au prisme des relations entre Charles II et son héritier . Príncipe De Viana, 2(280), 485-508. https://doi.org/10.35462/pv.280.2