Entre apertura y «enclavamiento». Las redes de los navarros en la primera globalización (1512-1833) [Between the opening and the localism. The social networks navarran’s in the first globalization (1512-1833)]

  • José María Imizcoz Beunza [Spain]
Keywords: global history, social networks, Atlantic economy, globalization, monarchy


In contrast to the localism of the traditional society, the text gives emphasis to the social networks navarran’s who participated more actively in the first globalization –the Atlantic economy and the Spanish monarchy–, from the seventeenth to the early nineteenth century: their places of origin, their destinations in court, the peninsula and empire, their businesses and king’s service charges, the creation of networks on a global scale, the circulation of resources in between the court, the empire and Navarra, and the material and cultural effects of these flows in the country.



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How to Cite
Imizcoz Beunza, J. M. (2020). Entre apertura y «enclavamiento». Las redes de los navarros en la primera globalización (1512-1833) [Between the opening and the localism. The social networks navarran’s in the first globalization (1512-1833)]. Príncipe De Viana, (261), 137-175. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/1661