El “informe del inquisidor Avellaneda” sobre las complicidades brujeriles en los valles centrales y orientales del Pirineo navarro. [The «report of the inquisitor Avellaneda» on the witch collusions in the central and eastern Navarrese Pyrenean valleys]

  • Jesús Moya Mangas Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) [Spain]
  • José Manuel Floristán Imízcoz Universidad Complutense de Madrid [Spain] https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2642-375X
Keywords: Witchcraft-madness, Navarre, «Report of Avellaneda», journey of Balanza, fray Antonio de Guevara


New edition of the Report of Avellaneda about the witchcraft in the valleys of the Pyrenees of Navarre. We display a synoptic edition of four versions of the text (A-D), two of them edited by Caro in 1933 and two new versions kept in the Archivo Histórico Nacional and the Academia de las Ciencias Morales y Políticas. After a brief survey of the witchcraft-madness in Navarre in the 16th century, we analyze the content of the report, we make some considerations about the author of the base-text and launch the hypothesis of its further rewrite by fray Antonio de Guevara in the frame of the debate held in the Junta de Granada (1526) about the witchcraft.


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How to Cite
Moya Mangas, J., & Floristán Imízcoz, J. M. (2021). El “informe del inquisidor Avellaneda” sobre las complicidades brujeriles en los valles centrales y orientales del Pirineo navarro. [The «report of the inquisitor Avellaneda» on the witch collusions in the central and eastern Navarrese Pyrenean valleys]. Príncipe De Viana, 1(279), 121-164. https://doi.org/10.35462/pv.279.6
Research studies in tribute to Gustav Henningsen and Marisa Rey-Henningsen