Enciclopedia de la brujería [Encyclopedia of Witchcraft]
Richard Golden edited a major work of reference, the Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, published in Santa Barbara [USA] in 2006. The most reputed specialists in the world made contributions. Gustav Henningsen wrote eight thematic articles*, of which we offer here the five to do with witchcraft in the Basque Country and Navarre. Significantly, he himself is the subject of research by William Monter (vol. 2, pp. 482-483) and is referred to
as an authority in the article on historiography by Wolfgang Behringer (vol. 2, p. 497). [P. de V.].
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How to Cite
Henningsen, G. (2021). Enciclopedia de la brujería [Encyclopedia of Witchcraft]. Príncipe De Viana, 81(278), 1033-1054. https://doi.org/10.35462/pv.278.17
The miscellaneous works of Gustav Henningsen