La huella de la Inquisición en la Biblioteca de Navarra [The trace of the Inquisition in the Library of Navarre]

Keywords: Expurgated books, Inquisition, Library of Navarre


The presence of the Inquisition in the old bibliographic collection of the Library of Navarra allows us to analyze the influence of the action and ideological control that the Holy Office exercised throughout the Modern Age. It is an empirical, quantitative work, based on the location of expurgated copies. It presents a selection of authors, works, chronologies, places of publication, censored subjects, the most commonly used inquisitorial indexes, the censorship methods applied, the origins of the copies and the identification of the signing censors. Also, the copies of books included in the Indexes that were never reviewed and the existence of a few banned books.


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How to Cite
San Martín Casi, R. (2021). La huella de la Inquisición en la Biblioteca de Navarra [The trace of the Inquisition in the Library of Navarre]. Príncipe De Viana, 1(279), 193-245.
Research studies in tribute to Gustav Henningsen and Marisa Rey-Henningsen