Volver a las relaciones de causas. El ejemplo de los berberiscos del reino de Granada [Back to relaciones de causas. The example of the Berbers in the kingdom of Granada]

  • Bernard Vincent Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales [France]
Keywords: Inquisition, relaciones de causas, Islam, Berbers, slaves


Since the 1990s, researchers have abandoned the study of relaciones de causas (relations of cause). A return to a quantitative as well as a qualitative use of these sources is advocated here. The example taken for this is the investigation of a community accused of practising Islam within the territory of the Tribunal of the Inquisition of Granada between 1571 and 1590 (Moriscos, backsliders, Berbers), emphasizing the latter who were almost always slaves or freedmen.


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How to Cite
Vincent, B. (2021). Volver a las relaciones de causas. El ejemplo de los berberiscos del reino de Granada [Back to relaciones de causas. The example of the Berbers in the kingdom of Granada]. Príncipe De Viana, 1(279), 327-339. https://doi.org/10.35462/pv.279.12
Research studies in tribute to Gustav Henningsen and Marisa Rey-Henningsen