Hallazgo de una lauda funeraria gótica en Santa María de Olite [The discovery of a gothic gravestone in Saint Mary of Olite]

  • Stefania Botticchio Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Estudiante de doctorado de Historia del Arte Medieval [Italy]
Keywords: gothic sculpture, gravestone, architectonic frame, Late Middle Ages, church of Saint Mary in Olite


The discovery of a gothic gravestone in the south wall of the church of Saint Mary in Olite has generated new study paths. It belongs to the ‘effigy carved under arches, thurifer angels and inscription along the perimeter’ type. This article aims to provide information about the deceased, the period of the realisation of the slab and the origin of that specific model. It was possible to develop the investigation thanks to the iconographic, aesthetic and historical analysis. What can be confirmed is that the slab belonged to a doctor, named John. Even though it was still impossible to consider the investigation’s development as definitive, it is proposed the gravestone was probably sculped between 1439 and 1448.


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How to Cite
Botticchio, S. (2022). Hallazgo de una lauda funeraria gótica en Santa María de Olite [The discovery of a gothic gravestone in Saint Mary of Olite]. Príncipe De Viana, 2(283), 259-284. https://doi.org/10.35462/pv.283.1