Nature and structure of the marriage and other similar unions in the hispanic law, in particular on the case of Navarre

  • Gregorio Monreal Zía Departamento de Derecho Público. Universidad Pública de Navarra [Spain]
  • Roldán Jimeno Aranguren Departamento de Derecho Público. Universidad Pública de Navarra [Spain]


Viewed from the perspective of the Hispanic Kingdoms, and focusing in particular on the case of Navarre, several topics and problems determining the structure and nature of the different kinds of marriages are addressed. The structure and nature of the institution are deduced from the external framework within which it takes place: religious and moral conditioning factors, social and economic factors, the validity of the different unions in time and space, the nature of the ordinance, the autonomy of marriage vis-àvis other institutions, the purposes assigned by society and the state to these marriages, etc...



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How to Cite
Monreal Zía, G., & Jimeno Aranguren, R. (2010). Nature and structure of the marriage and other similar unions in the hispanic law, in particular on the case of Navarre. Príncipe De Viana, (250), 501-538. Retrieved from