Notes on the social, legal consideration of the Navarrese family at the beginning of de XXI century

  • Juan Cruz Alli Aranguren Profesor titular de Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad Pública de Navarra [Spain]


The family is a social institution, the personal and patrimonial relationships that are established within it being regulated by Law. It is essential to study it from the sociological perspective in order to understand the new regulatory frameworks. This study analyses the family as a social entity, the notion behind it, its types and evolution, its social manifestations, and assessments of its evolution. The evolution of demographics and the family in Europe, Spain and Navarra is studied in terms of decisive elements in its configuration and models, such as marriage rates, birth rates, the incidence of senior citizens, and immigration.  Furthermore, the factors that affect social structures generally have an impact on the family, particularly the socioeconomic element and the changing role of women in society



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How to Cite
Alli Aranguren, J. C. (2010). Notes on the social, legal consideration of the Navarrese family at the beginning of de XXI century. Príncipe De Viana, (250), 553-606. Retrieved from