About Lexicographic and Stylistic Resources of “Vocabulario Navarro”

  • Cristina Tabernero Sala Profesora agregada del Departamento de Lingüística Hispánica y Lenguas Modernas de la Universidad de Navarra. Doctora en Filología Hispánica [Spain]


Vocabulario navarro, by José María Iribarren, constitutes an unavoidable work of reference for those who are interested in the linguistic peculiarities of Navarra (this statement does not mean the consideration of this work under scientific assumptions). Its author only intended to create a useful tool for lexicographers and a pleasant reading book for any kind of reader. This article takes into account this double aim. On one hand, I analyze the information that, consciously or unconsciously, Iribarren offered to the lexicographer, combining features of the traditional dictionaristic work, like the resources to the authorities, with the latest update that turns the speakers into the authorities in which the use of language should be based.



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How to Cite
Tabernero Sala, C. (2009). About Lexicographic and Stylistic Resources of “Vocabulario Navarro”. Príncipe De Viana, (247), 497-511. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/2026