“Vascos” y “franceses” en la Tudela de mediados del XVI

  • Peio J. Monteano Sorbet Licenciado en Geografía e Historia (UNED), Licenciado en Sociología y Doctor en Historia (Universidad Pública de Navarra- Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa ) [Spain]


In 1544, a census was taken of all the people who had come to Tudela from north of the Pyrennees. At this time, Spain and France were once again in the midst of war. Using this document, it is possible to study the characteristics of an important phenomenon that would reach the height of its intensity in the decades to follow.  Furthermore, we are better able to understand the characteristics of the immigrants who made their way to the kingdom between 1525 and 1540. The immigrant was most commonly a single man who had arrived to the kingdom at an early age. Those who had come from Zuberoa and Lower Navarre are thought to have spoken Basque and upon arrival...


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How to Cite
Monteano Sorbet, P. J. (2005). “Vascos” y “franceses” en la Tudela de mediados del XVI. Príncipe De Viana, (234), 111-134. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/2251