Nobili navarresi nella Sicilia di Federico III: Asiain, Simen de Aibar, Olleta, Caparroso

  • Laura Sciascia [Italy]


After the treaty of Anagni (1296), the kingdom of Sicily under Frederick II of Aragon became the last gibelin and anti-French frontier in the Mediterranean, both refuge and exile for the marginated of the European politics. There found protection some Navarrese noblemen, veterans of the Navarrería war: the Asiáin, Caparroso, Olleta and Jiménez de Aibar appear among the Sicilian feudal elite at the beginning of the 14th century. Among those families the most known and notable were the Aibar, for their wealth, their prestige and their links with the great native families.


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How to Cite
Sciascia, L. (2002). Nobili navarresi nella Sicilia di Federico III: Asiain, Simen de Aibar, Olleta, Caparroso. Príncipe De Viana, (225), 157-166. Retrieved from